Friday, October 18, 2013

Doctors Vs. God's Healings

Doctors are con artists. 

I saw a funny picture on Facebook once that said something like if a you were in a back alley and someone cut you open and took all your money you would call the police.  But we go into doctor's offices all the time and tell them, "Cut me open and take all my money."  Quite ironic isn't it?  Yes. 

I will say two things about doctors from sources.  Joel Osteen says there are so many angels walking in hospitals it is unreal.  But Thurman Scrivener would say there are an unbelievable amount of demons walking around hospitals.  This could just be because so many people are there.  People come in and bring their guardian angels or demons that are attached to them with them.  But could it also be that Satan is trying to use what God meant for good, healing and medicine, and pervert it and use it to kill people instead?? YES.  Perhaps the angels are there to try to stop Satan.  But Satan has a lot of victories in hospitals.  Yes God does as well, but Satan does as well. 

Doctors did save my life when I was 10.  My appendix was infected and ruptured and I would have died the next day if I did not go in for surgery right away.  We thought I just had the flu for three days, but no, I was dying lol.  So yes, that was kind of a story that I knew God kept me alive for a reason.  I must have a purpose.  Writing this blog for one and marrying Ben and raising our kids.  Who knows what else but I'm excited to find out.  But yes they did save my life and they do save lives all the time.  Or rather I would like to edit that and say, GOD THROUGH DOCTORS SAVES LIVES ALL THE TIME.  Amen?  For it is God who heals ultimately.  Don't put your faith in doctors, put your faith in God, for apart from Him we, doctors, anyone, CAN DO NOTHING.  Amen! :)

But they also kill people. 

I was engaged before being with my husband Ben and the young man's doctor had him on five different prescriptions, FIVE!  There was Klonopin for anxiety, Cialis to help his blood circulation, testosterone shots because his was too low, an anti depressant at one point, and Methadone which killed him .  He was on that to get him off of the Klonopin. 

You cannot take anything in conjunction with Methadone, even an aspirin, or it can kill you.  Granted the night he died he also drank, but it was inevitable that all these false drugs in his system would kill him. 

He bought into the lie that doctors can always make you feel better.  

Doctors always want to say: "You feel depressed?  Here, take this pill.  It will make you feel better, and it can take all your worries away."  But isn't prayer supposed to do that?  "Don't worry about anything but pray about everything and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Pills just makes you more and more sick because what people don't realize is that anytime you take an anti-depressant, your body STOPS making serotonin.  Why?  Because you are now taking it synthetically.  If you take the anti-depressant for years your body is literally never capable of creating serotonin on it's own again!  And they say they are helping you?!  No.  They are slowly killing you.  Why?  So that they can make a profit and make money off of you. 

Picture doctors as Ursula in the Little Mermaid.  People come to them with their problems, their pain, their despair, and the doctors exploit them and use them.  They con them.  People sell their soul to the doctors all the time without even realizing it. 

"But they have a white coast on.  They look like angels.  So they can be trusted right?"  No, they should be wearing all black and holding sickle because that is their real intention.  Not that they themselves even know when they are doing, but since they are smart enough, they should.

  Likewise Roger was on testosterone shots.  Since he was his body stopped producing it on its own, or it just produced very little, making him completely dependent on the testosterone shots for his own survival. 

"Once you pop you can't stop."  Once you pop a pill you can't stop.  They have you hooked and they know it.  Like a drug dealer they are so happy they have won another loyal customer.  Not loyal because you want to be, but loyal because your body is now completely dependent on them and their drugs.  Words just cannot describe enough my disgust for doctors and how much they hurt people. 

Watch the movie the Fugitive if you have not already.  It is all about doctors wanting to put a pill on the market that they KNEW was bad for people and they KNEW would hurt people but they didn't care, they just wanted to make MONEY.  "The love of money is the root of all evil" especially in the medical field. 

You think your doctor is your friend?  Think again.  No they are not.  They only see you as a green piece of money.  They only see you as an open checking account ready and willing to give them everything if they will help you. 

It is idol worship really, if you think about it.  We go to doctors way before we go to God don't we?  And we shouldn't. 

You know in Bible times doctors did not exist, but you know what did exist as an alternative to going to God?  Witch doctors, spiritists, mediums, people that could summon black magic to cure you.  And that is what doctors in our modern world are. 

I know there are Christian doctors out there and forgive them father for they know not what they do. :( But most only see you as a specimen.  They do not actually care about you.  They are very good at pretending like they do.  But they don't.  You know who does?  God.  Only God cares about you completely and wholly as you should be cared for.  Not your doctor. 

Doctors kill people all the time.  They make people's lives worse. 

I have not known one person other than myself that has benefitted from going to a doctor.  Granted I would have died if it weren't for doctors in that case but for the most part, they only make people lives worse and make them more unhealthy rather than more healthy. 

They prescribe pills that make people gain weight.  Why would that ever be good for your health?  Excess weight causes all kinds of other problems. 

They put little boys on Ridilin that makes them hooked on taking substances for the rest of their lives. 

Why do SO many boys in high school struggle with drugs?  Because their parents put them on meds for ADD and ADHD when they were kids, that's why.  It's pretty simple.  You get your body used to synthetic substances and they will crave them the rest of your life.  Why?  Because your body is the flesh and it wants a quick fix too. 

But there are no quick fixes in life.  I had traumatic things happen to me as a kid but praise God I was never put on an anti depressant.  No, instead I went to years and years of counseling to slowly work through the pain and hurt.  You can't get a quick fix for anything in life without it slowly killing you.  You can't just take a pill and the world will be better.  For everything there is an equal and opposite reaction.  It may seem like things are better on the outside, but the pills are eating you alive without you even knowing it. 

Praise God I have never once in my life been on a prescription of any kind.  Just anti-biotics for short amounts of time when I was very little for ear infections.  And that has been it.  So since I was about 6 I have not taken any synthetic substance, except Excedrin for my crazy headaches I get sometimes.  But even then, there is always a natural remedy.  I have always just done too much so that's why I got headaches. 

If we would all just learn to slow down, take a deep breath, and take more naps, we would be so surprised to find out we don't need doctors anymore.  Just take time to rest, eat right, and take care of yourself and you will never need to run to the doctor again for anything, hopefully. :)

You know what are two great cures for depression?  Take a nap and fasting.  The nap will help you care about yourself because one cause of depression is doing too much for others and running yourself ragged. 

But the other cause is just plain selfishness.  The best cure for selfishness is fasting.  God knew what he was doing when he gave us his commandments and told us to fast. 

Fasting isn't to steal your fun it is to increase it.  You appreciate everything, the world, people, food, SO MUCH more when you fast.  So try it and see if it doesn't take away any sadness you have been feeling.  Any dullness.  Any lack of appreciation for life.  We've all been there.  Fast.  Do it. :)  Just start with a 24 hour water only fast and see how much it changes your perspective on everything in your life.  Amen :)

There is always a natural remedy for what doctors want to try to say they can help you with, always.  Eat a healthy diet so you won't depend on them someday.  An apple a day keeps the dr. away right?  Yes.  I have eaten an apple a day pretty much my whole life and I have not had to go to the doctor since I was 10 for my appendix. 

Literally I had not stepped into a doctors office after that surgery until just now for an ultra sound to find out I was having a baby girl yay.... 

But even that I have some anger about lol because we didn't have health insurance so they wanted to charge $3,000 just to draw my blood and tell me I'm healthy.  I would like to say back to them, "Yes I know I'm perfectly healthy because I haven't allowed you guys to mess me up at all thank you." 

They had me fill out a form to see if I was depressed first thing when I got there to see them about my pregnancy.  They want to say everyone is depressed and get the whole world on medication.  It's quite sick really.  You know what I did?  I made myself seem like the happiest person in the world on that form lol. 

They aren't prescribing me something when I'm pregnant.  I was thinking, are you guys out of your minds?  You want to already start killing this little life before it even gets to start breathing air!?  What is wrong with you people! 

If I wasn't concerned about being polite I would have screamed that right in the waiting room or when I saw the doctor, but that probably wouldn't come off as very Christian. lol :) 

But think about it, Jesus confronted the Pharisees all the time on how evil they were.  He insulted them and cursed them time and time again.  So perhaps it would be good if Christians started doing that with doctors.  We need to stand up for truth and for what's right.  Get angry about the right things!  "Hate what is evil, cling to what is good." 

We have said plenty about abortion.  Yes fellow Christians, everyone knows by now abortion is wrong.  We don't need to beat a dead horse.  But what about all the other crimes and horrible things doctors do?  And I bet most of these Christians fighting abortion are on some form of medication.  How ironic.  Trying to fight doctors when we are following right along with their game.

I know this blog may offend quite a number of people because I think about 90% of Americans are on some kind of prescription, but it is for your good. :) Please purposely pass this on to anyone you know that is on something.  We will not change until we get angry about something.  We will not change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing. 

Little do people know what these pills are doing to them, any kind of pill.

I read that even headache medicine can actually increase you headaches.  It can cause "rebound" headaches.  Probably for the same reasons, because your body stops producing natural pain killers since you are taking it synthetically leaving you more and more dependent on the "anti" headache pills. 

Don't believe the lie of doctors any longer! Don't believe that they have all the solutions to make you feel better! THEY DON'T.  Only God does.  He is your healer.  Look to Him first. 

The ONLY person who can really make you feel better is God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. 

I have a cool story to share about healing.  A lady in one of my Bible studies was on her honeymoon this weekend and stepped into a Catholic cathedral in San Antonio, TX right by me with her new husband just to check out.  Just being tourists.  She felt light headed and like she needed to sit twice but brushed it off like it was nothing.  But then when she got outside the cathedral she realized she could hear way more clearly than she ever had.  Her head didn't hurt.  Her head had hurt constantly for the last 30 years.  SHE WAS HEALED!  Yes God can be in Catholic cathedrals too lol. :)

And I have more great stories about healing for you all to increase your faith and help you believe GOD CAN HEAL YOU, YOU DON'T NEED TO DEPEND ON DOCTORS SO MUCH.

Here are people answering the question, "Have you ever seen supernatural healings?"

I will begin with my story.  My husband seems to have the gift of healing.  A few years ago before he met me he was at a friends house.  The friend's daughter got her arm caught on a coat hanger and it penetrated her skin.  Ben prayed for her to be healed, with his eyes open, and saw, literally SAW, the wound close up and the blood the disappear.  I believe him.  I know he would tell the truth about something like that. 

And here are more cool stories.  If you are reading this and would like to comment and share a story please do!  Or email me at and I will include your story here also if you want me to.  :) Let's increase everyone's faith peoples!  In God, not doctors.  Amen :)

From a missionary in Taiwan:
Healing...."It is something I love being a part of too. I've seen legs grow out to become even. I prayed for a woman and her cancer went away. I've seen God take away nerve problems and headaches. He cares about it all."

Like my friend whose headaches went away.  Yep, it's real.  It can happen for you too!  But all in God's timing. :)  My husband also had a healing of his legs becoming even.  All his life his back popped when he walked and caused pain.  About 5 years ago he was prayed for for healing of this and his legs are now even.  So cool. :) 

From a high school friend:

"Yes!!! My Mom's gallbladder was healed! She had an ultrasound at a much later time for something else and the techs and doctors were astonished that she didn't have a gallbladder and no scars of the 'surgical removal'."

From a lady who used to pray with my mom over my high school a lot:

"Yes. I watched a girl get healed of a broken finger before my eyes. I hear lots of testimonies of healings. One woman I know told me she had a heart attack and there is always scar tissue afterwards, but years later the doctors found no record of her attack. God gave her a new heart. Around the time she converted from Catholicism to a born again believer. That's a true story from a woman I trust."

How cool is that!  If you have a story of your own, please share. :)  Praise God for how he works! :)  Look to God, not doctors.  God is your healer.  Amen. :)

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