I love when it rains.
It seems to give permission to slow down, to relax, to just chill.
It makes me think of the worship song, "Let it rain, open the flood gates of heaven."
I wonder why rain is relaxing. There seems to be a sleepiness in the air when it rains, like a laughing gas, and it just pulls you into a relaxed state.
And then there is the dull thunder that lulls you to sleep, like it's God's voice saying, "Be still, my child."
When it's sunny and hot every day, like in sunny southern California, it's almost as if the sun is beating down on you, expecting you to Do something.
Like, the weather is great, so you have no excuse to be lazy or stay inside all day it seems.
But the weather in the Midwest almost gives you permission to stay in more, to just Be.
No use running around trying to get things done. People just stay tucked in their cozy warm houses all day and relax.
I can't wait to possibly plant flowers in the spring and see all the trees get bright green buds on their branches again.
I can't wait to see the magical looking lightning bugs all around the lake in our backyard.
I can't wait to see baby geese running around, as I'm sure there will be. lol :)
And I can't wait to see the crazy lightning storms of summer, where I just stand in awe looking out the window thinking how amazing God is that he created such a spectacular show for us to watch!
TV doesn't have anything on a killer lightning show lol.
I have loved seeing the snow this winter. The winter wonderland in the forest. The branches thickly clothed in snow. The pure, white snow covering the ground like a clean, white blanket, making the world look new again.
And I loved watching the geese clumsily trying to walk over the snow but falling in with every step. That was pretty funny to see. :)
I loved seeing the lake frozen and the rain drops now dimpling the surface of the lake water.
The geese streaming down out of the sky and gliding into the water.
This place, Ben's, and now my our, apt, is a writer's paradise really. So quiet. So calm. So much beauty in nature here.
So much of God to be seen here.
Thank you God for your beautiful creation! It is so lovely! So amazing! So wonderful!
You are quite the artist. :) The artist of artists. We create because you created. Help me to make things as lovely as the things you have made. Help me to honor you and bring you glory in everything I write!
I appreciate the beauty of everything you created, God. Thank you! :) You are completely and utterly amazing! :)
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