This article is amazing! All my life I have felt there was something wrong with make up. Check this out. :) I pulled what I think are the best quotes from it. :)
"The cosmetics industry makes billions of dollars annually. Fashion and Hollywood have set the standards for “beauty,” and most people agree with their taste. Women of all ages wear makeup! To most, it is important to be fashionable. But is this practice right—or wrong? Could it even be sin? Is painting your face “fashionable” to God?
Of course, some have no interest in what God says. The Bible no meaning or value to them. They are not concerned with pleasing God. They are only interested in pleasing themselves or being accepted by people. Yet, others are concerned with what God says, but do not know His will....
"The last two decades have seen make-up progress from its early category of woman’s conceit to become an art and an integral part of feminine beauty and psychology." (conceit as in pride and ego)
"At the turn of the twentieth century, makeup was viewed as something only proud, even arrogant women wore...."
The lie of Beauty...
"Little girls can become obsessed with being pretty, when they should be enjoying childhood and playing with dolls and toys. They can easily become slaves to fashion trends that are inseparable from using makeup."
"Vanity—the desire to look more beautiful—is what causes women to paint their faces, and is perhaps the most powerful of human drives." (vanity aka. pride)
"Vani...ty is a powerful force in all human beings, and it is far stronger than most understand. Each person must have a healthy respect for the pull of vanity at work within him." (vanity is a sin. make up brings about vanity, therefore sin.)
"It is reported that “An estimated 1,282 tubes of lipstick and 2,055 jars of skin care products are sold every minute." (wow and lipstick tastes horrible and jars of skin "care" or cover up only cause acne, how ironic)...
How hard it is to be a woman....
"The pull of vanity begins early in life. Modern society places enormous emphasis on beauty. As a result, recent studies demonstrate that even very little girls are unhappy with themselves to the point of depression, with many actually contemplating suicide as a result! They feel that they do not measure up to their peers or favorite movie stars. Today, the obsess...ion with being beautiful has led nearly 10 million adolescent and teenage girls into eating disorders. "
"In describing this new trend, one beautician said, “It is as though we have given up on authenticity.” (yes I have always seen make up as a mask, literally and emotionally, it is a way to be fake and not your real self)
"Botox is only the beginning of the threat from various harmful chemicals and toxins that are latent in cosmetics. This has long been understood!"
(any chemicals in make up that you put on your skin can seep through your pores and be toxic to your body)
"Consider the meaning of the word mascara. If we just accept the word for what it is, then it becomes its own honest statement from the cosmetics industry. It comes from the word mask, and the word masquerade also derives from it. In essence, to wear mascara is to wear a mask—and to masquerade as something that one is not—for the purpose of vanity and perceived beauty...." yep.
"Even the word cosmetics has a revealing origin. It comes from the Greek word kosmos, which means “of this world, worldly.” (interesting)
"Plainly, the use of makeup started nationally in Egypt. The Bible uses Egypt as a type of the sins of this world, which Christians are commanded to come out of."
"Even before its use in Egypt, the original painted harlot was Semiramis, the mother-wife of Nimrod, and the founder of the Babylonian Mystery Religion. (Read our free booklets The True Origin of Christmas and The True Origin of Easter learn more about Semiramis and Nimrod.
Semiramis is known as the mother of all harlots. She used makeup, as well as suggestive whorish clothing, for various religious and sexual rituals....
"Since the artwork described here also employed the use of makeup, it is no wonder that 100 years ago it was generally understood and said that “only bad women wear makeup.” (In biblical times, it was mainly just prostitutes that wore make up)
"The emphasis (in make up) has always been on beauty—and desiring beauty has everything to do with pride and vanity."
"Changing one’s appearance by facial paint is a custom ancient prostitutes have dictated to the modern age." (yep)
"Cosmetics were nothing more than a device used by harlots to, in effect, teach men to break the Seventh Commandment. This is the message of history—yet the whole world lies in ignorance of these facts!" The 7th Commandment being adultery. Porn stars wear tons of make up and have that effect on billions of married men all over the world.
"Israel trusted in her outward appearance instead of God—and modern women unwittingly do the same....."
"Ancient Israel always sought to be like the nations around her. Instead of being an example to them, Israel wanted acceptance from them! Women today are no different. Not wearing makeup would make them stand out—and people want to fit in and be accepted. Please examine yourself and recognize this natural desire at work in your mind!"
That is a very good article for sure :)